Healing Crystals Love

The Love, Inspiration, & Motivation to Heal Yourself

The Hidden Truth About: Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, & Your Aura!

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What does energy have to do with your aura?  And what are these electromagnetic field thingys????




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A little Dose of Love

Accused Businessman

Don’t bully yourself.  If you feel down, you are beating yourself up.  Your emotions come from within…  Not your Boss, your neighbor, or that annoying girl at work.  Experiences don’t keep you down, your emotions towards them do. You are in control and can instantly change your emotions.    So when you feel down, only one thing will get you out of “funk mode”…

 And that’s getting back up.  Because EVERYONE goes through rough patches, EVERYONE gets down on their luck… But it’s the ability that you have to get back up that truly matters. If you focus on getting up, then how can you focus on being down? You can’t.  So anytime you find yourself flat on your booty, start twerking your way back up.  And, it is through this process that you will discover the joy you are meant to have 😉

Love You!!!

In an announcer voice:  “This has been a Public Love announcement from your Host, N.Love” lol.


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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How To Change Your Thoughts & Actions

How TO Change Thoughts

Repetition is key.  The moment you become aware of a thought or action, you need to change, you have power.  You can change the thought by repeatedly saying the opposite, then taking actions that are in alignment with your words.  If you can not literally take the action, then you must imagine.

But How Do I Change?

Simply become aware of what you say.  If you catch yourself saying things like “I don’t feel well”, “I’m broke”, “I hate my car”…Don’t judge, simply say an affirmation that changes the thought.


If you catch yourself saying:

“I don’t feel well”, simply change the statement.

Simply say: “Every cell in my body radiates health.  I love myself and I am perfectly healthy”.

Action:  Surround yourself with healthy things such as exercise, herbal tea, detox himalayan salt bath, healthy diet, meditation, natural supplements…  All these things imply being healthy.  You are living as if you already are healthy.  And when you do, good health follows.


If you catch yourself saying:

“I’m Broke”

Simply say: “I come from an abundant Universe and I receive in abundance whatever I ask for”.

Action:  Go into full abundance mode: At the grocery store, forget a snickers bar.  Isn’t that the 5 karat diamond ring you saw online?  Oh, and the credit card you’re paying with, OMG is that a black card?  Every time you get a bill be grateful you got the abundance to PAY for it.  Because it take ABUNDANCE to pay your bills, buy clothes, even to go to work everyday….. Take action on opportunities that come out of no where.  Do things you wouldn’t normally do.  This is the Universe opening doors for you that were’t there before.


If you catch yourself saying:

“I hate my car”:

Simply say: “I love this new car I’m in.  It is perfect and runs perfectly”

Action:  Then go into New car mode: Imagine your car is the new car, then precede to treat your car like a brand new car.  Imagine the issues you have are routine maintenance.  Then do the things that people need to do to get a new car.  Pay bills, straighten you credit out, go and get the extra money.  Focus on that new car so intently that it begins to manifest in your reality.


Remember that the Universe provides you with whatever experience you ask for.   So the next time you find yourself saying “I would never spend $1,000 on a dress!”…  Ask yourself, if your bank account said $33,000,000, would you spend $1,000 on a dress?

Sending YOU Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,



Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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So You Want to Become A Manifestation Master?


So you said you want to become a Manifestation MASTER?  Well do you believe?  Although your reality is reflecting your bank account is -$11.11, can you believe it really says $11,111,111,111.33?  Can you then change the behavior that created the negative account?

If you want to manifest, belief is the key.  Belief is similar to falling in love, put simply, you do things that you wouldn’t normally do, you change.  The evidence of belief is in your actions.  And when your actions are aligned with your thoughts, you can easily manifest your desires.

You come from an abundant Universe, the Universe abundantly gives you whatever you ask for.  And what you say, and your actions are a reflection of what you’re asking the Universe for.  In order to change your life, you have to say and act in different ways.  You act in ways that show you believe the words coming out of your own mouth.


If you want to save $1,000, but you continuously spend all your money, don’t expect the Universe to help you save.  The Universe will give you more ways to spend.  However, the moment you start saving, it’s like you’ve entered the Universal savings program.  Not only will the Universe match your donation…  It will multiply it for you too.  But you have to first show the Universe you are willing to save.

Sending Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,


You want to know more about “How To Change”…  Stay tuned for the next blog.


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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What Fear Never Told You About Fear

And the mind says….

“So the answer lies in front of you.  You think you know, you sort of know, but you don’t.  And it’s not the answer, it’s not having the answer that is causing all the grief and turmoil.  If only you could simply say “I don’t know”…. “But if you do, you may look stupid” and for some reason that bothers you, and even though you’re not sure of the answer.  You’re so sure of not being sure that you will defend you answer to the bitter end, right or wrong, I DON’T CARE!!!!”

Does that even make sense to you?  That was just the mind talking.  It’s called fear.  And when the mind will not admit it doesn’t know, it sounds like that.  If you want to stop all the mind chatter and stampedes of “what if’s”, simply get the facts.  Stop guessing and go get the facts.  Start by simply “googling it”.  And when you find the facts, DO NOT form an opinion.  Take action to see if it applies to you.  When you have EXPERIENCE,  you can kiss fear goodbye!  I have a question…  Where, where did fear go?  Oh, fear was just an illusion lol.

Most fear emanates from not knowing on lack of experience.  When you first learned to ride a bike, it may have been scary.  You may have even feared falling.  However, if you allowed the fear of falling and getting hurt stop you, you still wouldn’t be able to ride a bike.  You overcame that fear by learning about balancing, getting the proper safety equipment, and practicing over and over.   And yes, I know I feel off my bike.  But I guarantee you, I got back on…  WHY?  Because the thrill of learning and the experience of riding was simply, amazing!


Send Love, Hugs, ad Many Blessings,

N. Love


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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Chakra Blockages? AAA For Your Inner-Chi

We live in a physical realm of duality.  When means in order for you to move into a state of balance you must first be imbalanced.  We naturally move from a state of balance to imbalance.  Harmony comes when we can see the imbalances and move back into balance.  If we were already balanced, it would be impossible for growth and change to be possible.  The key to balance lies in knowing things may happen to throw you out of balance….  And when they do becoming conscious enough to take action and change your circumstances.

When you don’t, you create resistance.   When you resist what is, you block the flow of energy through your chakra systems.  The energy is unable to flow, and eventually this could lead to blockages in your energetic system. You may feel tired and fatigued because your body is not being nourished with the energy necessary to sustain balance. The key to unclogging and balancing your energy comes from simple the 3 A’s.

1.  Awareness

Be aware of how you feel. Your emotions are a guage to how balanced you are.

2.  Action

Find the activity that brings you balance. Whether it’s painting, drawing, talking to a friend, meditation, etc. There is something that you always feel good doing. Whatever that is has the power to balance your emotions. Instead of thinking about what is making you unhappy, simply shift your focus to doing what makes you happy.

3.  Affirmations

Once you shift your focus, you are now in the mood to tell yourself it is possible, and you can do anything you put your mind to. Say affirmations and don’t stop! This will condition your mind to stay positive

Remember it all starts with awareness. When you are honest about the things you may not like about yourself, you have the power to change them. Be aware of when it is happening and simply change your behavior.


Sending Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,

N. Love


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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The Hidden Secret of Manifestation…. REVEALED!!!

Actiona and Manifestation

So you have a thought and then what? You use your mind, think good thoughts, give gratitude and poof everything just happens…. Well, there is something missing… Belief…  And that belief is reflected in your ACTIONS.  You live in a Spiritual realm which is governed by thought.   You also live in a physical realm that is governed by action.  Manifestation goes both ways.  It’s your ability to take action on Divine inspiration, and align that inspiration with your actions.   Each time you perform an action you are manifesting something.  Any action done with the right mindset will produce the right results.    And over time, small actions, create major changes.

If you want to manifest abundance, simply look at your actions.  What are your actions telling the Universe.  Do they conflict with what you want to manifest?

I was having a session with a client and she wants to own her own business.  We were talking about the possibilities and she said “…But I’m broke”…  I didn’t hear her, right, because the words just did not compute.  (Talking about being broke is an action)…

I said “HUH, you’re broke and you come from a Universe of abundance?  So basically you’re telling the Universe you want an abundance of being broke”?  I think a lightbulb went off, because she laughed and I could tell she got it.  Her language immediately changed.

To manifest align your thoughts with your action, and you actions with your thoughts.


Sending YOU….Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,

N. Love



Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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Tourmaline: Pink, Energy and Meaning


Photography by N. Love

Element – Water

Energy: Soft soothing comfort, safety nurturing.

Chakras: Heart (4th) Chakra



  • Timid, give courage to love.
  • Indigo children: helps center and calm the energy.
  • Difficulty sleeping.


  • Place on heart chakra.
  • Fills emotional body with love and restores wholeness.
  • Clears and purifies the emotional body.


Energy Healing: Healers/Energy Healing:

  • Helps heal old emotional wounds, wounds from childhood.
  • Boosts loving and healing energy.



  • Repair holes from negative attachments and past abuse.
  • Connects the flow of energy through the heart (4th) chakra, the throat (5th) chakra, the third eye (6th) chakra, and the crown (7th) chakra.



  • Emotionally and physically calming.
  • Helps you release stress, worry, depression, anxiety.
  • Helps the emotionally numb recover their power and zest for life.
  • Helps you uncover emotional patterns no longer aligned with spiritual growth.


Feng Shui:

  • Infuses love and compassion. Makes it difficult for people to project negativity at you.


Had Enough? Is Your Mind Avoiding Success?

Success and Higher Awareness

So you want to be successful?  Well, I just can’t remember how the heck I got home.  I was the only one in the car, but for some reason, I don’t remember driving…  And no, I wasn’t under the influence 😉  Has this ever happened to you?

If it has… then what do you think about all day?  Do you remember?  An uncontrolled mind avoids the present moment.  It drifts from past to future and when it’s on the present moment, it can not focus.  You can only focus your mind on 1 thing at a time.  And as long as you are consumed with the past or the future, you are not present, you are not aware.  So as long as your mind is on, uh…hmmmm… uhhhh…  You get my point lol.  You can’t focus on taking action on the important things in your life.


You are driving home, a path you drive daily.  The radio is playing.  Your body is so used to this path, it is on autopilot.   Your mind drifts and you begin to think about that banging Christmas dinner you had.  You can taste the food, smell it…. And then you begin to worry that you ate too much…  “Oh No, I’m going to gain like 20 pounds”! But in reality the food and the 20lbs DO NOT EXIST….. It is an illusion.

 In the present moment you are driving a car.  You have the opportunity to change the station if you do not like it and even choose a new path if you desire.  But your mind is not aware of those things.  It is focused on that banging Christmas dinner you had, and how you’re going to gain 20lbs.
It’s usually those times you don’t remember the drive home…
Until you can focus, success will be elusive.  Success is the ability to focus your mind on your dreams and the tasks necessary to finish them.  If you are caught up in thought, your mind is full.  The creativity and guidance necessary to manifest your dreams can not enter.  Instead you will be stuck in unneccessary repetitive thought.
See past the illusion and take control of your mind!!!

You Are In Control!

Meditation and affirmations create awareness.  They bring attention to the thoughts within your mind.  When you choose to say an affirmation, you make a choice that brings greater awareness.  When you meditate you have the ability to become aware of your thoughts through silent awareness.  Awareness gives you the power to change your mind, so you can focus and take action on the things that make you successful.

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The Shocking Truth About Self Healing


Self Healing

Within you is the power to heal… Yourself….  Don’t believe me?  It’s cool, it just means you are not going to try.  But for those of you who are BELIEVERS keep reading.    If Love is the door, belief is the key to self healing.  Self healing is about energy…  You may be thinking, huh, Girl, what you talking about???   I understand, and for me, it used to seem like trying to read the hieroglyphs in Egypt lol.  But let me break it down, just keep reading 🙂

You have a mind, body, and spirit, but because we exist in the physical World, we typically neglect the mind and spirit.  We only think about the physical which is only 5%.  Currently medicine has no clue how most diseases are started, they are still trying to research.  But there are a few things that ALL physician agree on.

The World of the Physicals, I Mean Physicians

In a “normal” World, you go see a Physician (Dr. of the Physical lol) who looks at your “Physical” body and runs a whole bunch of costly tests to “physically…see” what is “wrong” with you.  Under the assumption that something is “wrong” he puts a diagnosis together and comes up with treatment.  You get pills (Treat-Mint lol), a diet, and the latest Dis-EASE wristband.  For the handsome price of only $15,000!!!!  LOL.

But what would happen if you BELIEVE in LOVE?

If love is the door, then belief IS your power to heal.  Believe that the Universe wants you to enjoy a long, healthy, happy life.  When you do this, you work in harmony with the Universe.  You shift your energy from that of a disease mentality to one of a health mentality.  Love Your-Self, this means taking care of Your-Self, and yes it’s that simple.  When you love Your-Self (Body), you do the things to keep your Body healthy and happy.  This means going for walk, eating the things that keep it working efficiently, and taking time to make sure you are mentally balanced and in control of, YOU!!!!  You do not let others harm your body in any way, after all, it’s your temple.  It’s where your consciousness resides…

Let’s talk about my main man, Buddha…  I know, I know, you may be asking, Which one lol.  He tried to deny his body, but the more he denied, the farther his goal became.  According to the Buddha there are two extremes, we either indulge too much or neglect and abuse ourselves.  Healing is about balance.  And when you love yourself there is balance.  And in that balance is your power to heal…