Healing Crystals Love

The Love, Inspiration, & Motivation to Heal Yourself

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How to Instantly Raise Your Vibration and Connect

Crystal Healing Stone

Imagine if you could have more happiness in your life. What would your life BE like for you, and your loved ones if you had the power to release stress and replace it with peace of mind?  And what about freedom from suffering?  What if you KNEW how to relieve the same energetic patterns that you repeat over and over again? What would it mean to your life to let go of fear and pain, and replace it with love and forgiveness?

What would it be like to ALWAY be connected?  Imagine being divinely guided and cared for.  You are always in the right place at the right time, and you ALWAYS know what to do.  To have this clarity and understanding from your higher self is priceless.

That’s what this blog is all about, how I instantly raise your vibration using crystals. And you don’t have to be a Reiki Master to raise your vibration. You just have to take a moment to connect.



I remember when my son had a Taekwondo competition.  He was very nervous, breathing fast, and very uncomfortable.  And of course I had some crystals on me.  I gave them to him.  And it was like the moment he touched them, he instantly change.  The moment he began to rub the crystal, he took a deep breath.  His breathing instantly changed.  He went from that nervous state, to one of relaxation instantly.   Now I had been watching him practice, and he wasn’t putting his all into it.  He would forget parts, he didn’t even fully know the routine.  He held on to the crystals and remained in this relaxed state.  And when he got out there to perform his routine, he had such clarity and focus, that he performed flawlessly.  He wound up winning second place in his very first competition.



You live in a world of energy and vibration however as you look out through your eyes you see the physical world around you.  Your brain filters energy based on your emotional state.  So what you see is determined by how you feel.  In order to see the world around you, you require energy.  And law of attraction says, the energy you put in is the energy that you get back.  In order to raise your vibration you must change the energy that you’re putting in by changing how you feel. Your brain interprets the energetic pattern of the heart and translate that back to you as an image, as sound, as taste, as touch.



There are really only 2 states that you can be in, love or fear.  Every emotion is a variation of those 2 states.  In the body these states are translated as the growth response or the fight-or-flight response.  When the growth response is on, it turns the fight flight response off and vice versa.  You can only be in one state at a time.  The thing is the majority of people remain in a state of fight or flight without realizing it.  Whenever you feel confusion, doubt, uncertainty, you are in a fight flight response.  Now don’t get me wrong this response is necessary because it helps us evolve, it is our protection mechanism.   The problem comes in when you remain in this state week after week, month after month.  It changes the chemistry of your body causing disease.  According to the CDC 75% of all Doctor’s visits are due to stress related illnesses.  

Now that’s a HUGE number.  And changing the stress response can be as simple as grabbing a crystal and breathing.  The fight flight response causes your heart rate and breathing to increase.  And operates at a lower frequency of vibration.  When this response is triggered your connection is blocked, you are not allowing energy to flow through your system.  Changing the vibration is as simple as grabbing a crystal and breathing.  A crystal has the power to align chaotic energy.  And when you can take control of your breath you trigger a change in the fight or flight response in your body.



When you are conscious enough to know what you are feeling, you have power.  You can do something about it.  Crystals enhance consciousness.  Because the moment you grab a crystal, you are telling the Universe, I WANT CHANGE.  And then when you take the next step to control your breath, you are consciously changing your connection.  You now have control of your energy.  From this space you can change your thoughts and change your reality.  You have the power to create more harmonious patterns of vibration.  And that is WHY you are sooooo powerful.

So just for today.  Take a moment, grab the crystal that has been calling you and breath.


Sending Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,




Thank you for taking a moment to connect.  Do you ever get stressed?  If so what is it that you do to relieve stress?  Leave a comment below and let me know.  I would love to hear from you.  And if you know anyone who needs to relieve a little stress, please share.  Because this is how we create a community of conscious individuals who have the connection to change the World.


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A little Dose of Love

Accused Businessman

Don’t bully yourself.  If you feel down, you are beating yourself up.  Your emotions come from within…  Not your Boss, your neighbor, or that annoying girl at work.  Experiences don’t keep you down, your emotions towards them do. You are in control and can instantly change your emotions.    So when you feel down, only one thing will get you out of “funk mode”…

 And that’s getting back up.  Because EVERYONE goes through rough patches, EVERYONE gets down on their luck… But it’s the ability that you have to get back up that truly matters. If you focus on getting up, then how can you focus on being down? You can’t.  So anytime you find yourself flat on your booty, start twerking your way back up.  And, it is through this process that you will discover the joy you are meant to have 😉

Love You!!!

In an announcer voice:  “This has been a Public Love announcement from your Host, N.Love” lol.


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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WARNING: Be Careful What You Wish For…. The Universe is Abundant!

Close up of human hand breaking bricks

Have you ever had a challenging day?   AHHHHHHH!  You feel like you could beat your head against a wall….  No, maybe throw a computer out the window…  Yes, that will do lol.

I had a day like this.  I was fired up and ready for blood….  I was so heated, I got the nerve to ask the Universe WHY!!!!   I am tenacious, and I was trying to get all these things done but I kept running into obstacles.  I was fired up with all this energy…  So I asked “Universe, why did you put all these obstacles in my path, you know it will only get me fired up and make me…..” and I stopped.  At that moment I knew exactly what was happening.  I asked for the fire, drive, and creativity to complete these new inspired ideas.  And here the Universe was putting obstacles in my path to get me fired up.  To give me the exact energy I needed to get the new projects completed with zest and enthusiasm.  For tenacious individuals, obstacles are the trigger for inspired thought and action 🙂

All I can say is “Thank You Universe”!  It can be easy to see difficulties and obstacles in your life as “The bitter END”!  But taking this approach will leave you downright frustrated, and creating more frustration lol.  The Universe is not vindictive, it simply gives you exactly what you ask for.   It’s your job to see and understand YOU created it, no matter how crazy it may seem at first.


Sending Love, hugs, and Many Blessings,

N. Love


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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Chakra Blockages? AAA For Your Inner-Chi

We live in a physical realm of duality.  When means in order for you to move into a state of balance you must first be imbalanced.  We naturally move from a state of balance to imbalance.  Harmony comes when we can see the imbalances and move back into balance.  If we were already balanced, it would be impossible for growth and change to be possible.  The key to balance lies in knowing things may happen to throw you out of balance….  And when they do becoming conscious enough to take action and change your circumstances.

When you don’t, you create resistance.   When you resist what is, you block the flow of energy through your chakra systems.  The energy is unable to flow, and eventually this could lead to blockages in your energetic system. You may feel tired and fatigued because your body is not being nourished with the energy necessary to sustain balance. The key to unclogging and balancing your energy comes from simple the 3 A’s.

1.  Awareness

Be aware of how you feel. Your emotions are a guage to how balanced you are.

2.  Action

Find the activity that brings you balance. Whether it’s painting, drawing, talking to a friend, meditation, etc. There is something that you always feel good doing. Whatever that is has the power to balance your emotions. Instead of thinking about what is making you unhappy, simply shift your focus to doing what makes you happy.

3.  Affirmations

Once you shift your focus, you are now in the mood to tell yourself it is possible, and you can do anything you put your mind to. Say affirmations and don’t stop! This will condition your mind to stay positive

Remember it all starts with awareness. When you are honest about the things you may not like about yourself, you have the power to change them. Be aware of when it is happening and simply change your behavior.


Sending Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,

N. Love


Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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The Hidden Secret of Manifestation…. REVEALED!!!

Actiona and Manifestation

So you have a thought and then what? You use your mind, think good thoughts, give gratitude and poof everything just happens…. Well, there is something missing… Belief…  And that belief is reflected in your ACTIONS.  You live in a Spiritual realm which is governed by thought.   You also live in a physical realm that is governed by action.  Manifestation goes both ways.  It’s your ability to take action on Divine inspiration, and align that inspiration with your actions.   Each time you perform an action you are manifesting something.  Any action done with the right mindset will produce the right results.    And over time, small actions, create major changes.

If you want to manifest abundance, simply look at your actions.  What are your actions telling the Universe.  Do they conflict with what you want to manifest?

I was having a session with a client and she wants to own her own business.  We were talking about the possibilities and she said “…But I’m broke”…  I didn’t hear her, right, because the words just did not compute.  (Talking about being broke is an action)…

I said “HUH, you’re broke and you come from a Universe of abundance?  So basically you’re telling the Universe you want an abundance of being broke”?  I think a lightbulb went off, because she laughed and I could tell she got it.  Her language immediately changed.

To manifest align your thoughts with your action, and you actions with your thoughts.


Sending YOU….Love, Hugs, and Many Blessings,

N. Love



Need tools to help you get balanced and centered?  Check out the Healing Crystals Love Boutique for Healing Crystals, Chakra Oils, Energy Grids, and Much much more.   Save and additional 10% off, just use the coupon THANKU at Etsy checkout.



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The Hidden Secret of Manifesting REVEALED!



Do you want to manifest positive things in your life?  Do you want to change all those things you don’t like?  Well I’ve been listening to some of my all-time favorites,  Alan Watts, Neville Goddard, and Wayne Dyer… I’ve also been helping some people manifest some very positive things in their life, and it inspired this blog…

You Have Power

Your power to manifest lies in the imagination.  When you believe the images and ideas in your head will come true, you take action.  Your imagination becomes guidance.  Anything you believe is impossible, you will not try.  Your key to manifesting does not lie in the past, it does not lie in the impossible….  It lies in what you imagine IS possible.

Neville Goddard says:

I say imagination creates reality…But until imagination becomes a part of your normal, natural currency of thought, you will not act consciously. Like breathing, this awareness must become so much a part of you that you will not turn to the left or the right to praise or blame anyone…. You will realize that life is always externalizing what you are imagining.


And Alan Watts adds to this by saying:

Try to imagine what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake up… now try to imagine what it was like to wake up having never gone to sleep.

And then Wayne Dyer added the icing on the cake by saying:

Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change!

So YOU Want to Create Abundance in Your Life?

You want to create abundance in your life.  So you say daily affirmations, and try to keep a positive mindset.  But everyday you wake up believing you need to “create abundance”.    You go to work thinking you need more money…  OMG and the bills, they just keep piling up.  You put yourself on a budget, and continuously think about how you spent all you money paying bills, buying groceries, and SHEESH, all the unexpected “drains” in your income.

The Conflict:

Although you are saying affirmations, you’re asking to help you “create” abundance daily.  So basically everyday you’re telling the Universe “I’m still broke”.  If you HAD money your bills would be paid, you would not be “on a budget”, and those unexpected things would be paid for with ease, along with some extras.

Although you are telling yourself you are abundant, your actions are in conflict with that thought.  This is why there is turmoil within.

The Fix:

Use your imagination, imagine that you have money.  Your bills are paid.  A BUDGET?  What is that?  It does not even exist in your vocabulary.  How can unexpected things keep popping up when you have the money to pay for everything you want AND need?  And no, you don’t wake up asking for abundance, you wake up giving THANKS for abundance. 🙂

Your imagination is a powerful tool, and when you can see and act in ways that are in alignment to your thoughts, you have unleashed the key to manifesting EVERYTHING you desire.

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.”
~Alan W. Watts



Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t.  EVERYTHING is possible 😉

~N. Love


What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Today, I was helping a very frustrated Client.  And I know it’s easy to feel frustrated when you do not see your blessings at first.  We all go through trying times in life.  But faith is the key that will open the door to peace, happiness and prosperity in your life.  This was our conversation…

The Question:

I don’t mean to speak lack, I just can’t see over the other side…  I’m doing the work, but I can’t move forward in my work if I don’t have the tools that will help me complete it.  The Angels keep telling me the same things though, what we went over:

1. Keep Faith

2. Trust

3. Be patient, ( mine is so thin )

4. MAINTAIN positive

5. Be happy and feel this unconditional love.

I feel some, but the money is symbolic to something emotional…I don’t feel abundant without it, ok thats identified.

How do I feel abundant without it??? I can only distract myself so long before I notice. Oh that’s identified again…I’m”looking” too early, Abraham just popped in my head about keeping track. I’m not suppose to keep track because then I will notice what hasn’t shown up.

Ok then my question is how do I feel abundant without feeling I need money to make me feel complete? I wanna know what the money symbolizes!


The Answer:

Lets say you are driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles.  You have a car and just enough gas and food for a 5 hour drive.  The trip will only take you 3.5 hours if you drive there without stopping.  You are completely provided for during those 5 hours, after which all those blessings will disappear.  You hop on the road and drive for 10 minutes.

Then your mind starts saying… “I don’t see  Los Angeles from here…  Im driving but how can I keep driving if I can’t see Los Angeles”?

So you pull over for 20 minutes, and begin to question if you will ever make it to Los Angeles.  After the 20 minutes you say “Ok, maybe I’ll try and keep going for an hour and I see Los Angeles”.  You get back on the road and begin to drive.  You feel good, the Angels are giving you all the signs that you are on the right path.  You’re happy, singing to the music….

Then about 45 minutes later, the mind chatter starts again  “I should see Los Angeles by now, I saw some signs 15 minutes ago but why can’t I SEE Los Angeles….  Something isn’t right!”.

So you pull over.  You begin to demand that you see Los Angeles RIGHT NOW!!!  When it doesn’t appear, you begin to question if you will EVER see Los Angeles.  After another 20 minute temper tantrum, you decide that maybe you will drive a little farther, and see if you can see Los Angeles.   You get back on the road.  You see the signs, the Angels are talking to you again, urging you to just keep going.  Don’t give up.  You are pumped and ready to make it.

This time you drive for 1.5 hours and the mind chatter starts again. “You will never make it to Los Angeles.  You should have seen Los Angeles a long time ago.  You’re never going to make it”.

You see signs from the Angels urging you to keep going…

Then the mind takes over “I know I see signs to keep going, but I can NOT SEE Los Angeles, and if I can’t see Los Angeles, I will never make it”.

So you pull over.  This time you are frustrated, you begin to curse the Angels and say they are lying.  If YOU can NOT SEE Los Angeles, how will you ever make it to Los Angeles.

You ask the Angels “Why don’t you let me SEE Los Angeles right now!  I want to see Los Angeles!  If you don’t let me see Los Angeles RIGHT NOW, I refuse to drive any longer”….

So you sit and wait and wait and Curse and Yell and Scream…  Then wait some more….  All of a sudden you hit the 5 hour mark and “POOF”, the food is gone, your gas is gone, and now you have no more car!  It is then you realize the blessings you HAD.  You had all the tools to get you where you needed to be.  But there was one thing MISSING, and that’s FAITH.  To believe in the things that you can not physically see.  Even though you could not SEE Los Angeles, had you only kept driving, you would have made it there.  The Divine can SEE what you can not.  It takes FAITH to keep going.


~N. Love



Feeling Drained? How To Power Up Your Energy!


You are special and unique, and so is your energy. You see, your body is spectacular web of energy. And just like a cell phone connects you to the World, this field of energy connects you to the Divine. Each of us has a unique pattern of energy or vibration. This energy is like an energetic fingerprint, and can be seen as your aura. This web of electricity, sends signals out into the Universe, and just like a magnet, the system receives signals from the universe. Because your electromagnetic field is connected to Universal energy, it has unlimited potential. When your energy field is operating at 100%, you are happy, healthy, and emotionally balanced. But bad emotions create fear and limit this potential, causing you to feel drained.

Clogging the system
Your energy system is fueled by your e-Motions. As you go through life, your energy field interacts with other energy fields. We see these interactions as experiences. Each experience allows you to “feel” an emotion. These emotions change your energy either for the good or for the bad. Just like food can affect the body in various ways, so can your emotions. Negative emotions are like putting the wrong type of gas in your car. It can slow the system down, and over TIME lead to disease and system breakdown. The harder you work against these emotions, the more they will drain your energy. When you have experiences that cause problems, the emotions you have towards the problem enter into your system. Everytime you have an experience, you take this energy into your system. Your emotions toward the experience determines what type of energy it will become. If you have bad emotions towards an experience your energy becomes slow, stagnant energy causing you to feel drained and tired. If you have positive emotions it creates more energy, and helps your system function more effectively. Just like eating fattening foods over time clogs your arteries, holding on to bad emotions over time prevents emotional happiness and creates DIS-ease.

Someone Get me a Plunger!!!
Because you are in a state of constant sending and receiving, your energy is always changing. Each experience you have provides energy that can either be held on to or let go of. When you hold on to negative energy and emotions, (especially from past situations) you clog the system. This energy shows up in the form of fear, anger, hate… The way you perceive the experience, will change your energy. If you associate an experience with a bad emotion, you hold on to that energy. This becomes a part of your field. You then begin to use this energy in new situations. If you feel tired and drained, it is because you’re running negative emotions in the background. Just like running a whole bunch of applications on your phone slowly drains the power of your battery, holding on to bad experiences, will drain the power of your energy field. Even though you may be unaware of the emotions, they’re still open and draining your power. When you have the courage to face situation and forgive them, you unclog your system. You can move on to new experiences fully charged and ready for anything that may come your way. When you have a bad situation happen simply deal with it, forgive, and keep it moving! This will allow you to move on to new experiences with a full battery. Because the universe is unlimited. A full battery gives you access to unlimited potential!!!

Need Help? Light the Sage & Get Stoned!!!!
If you need help with any situation, grab a Healing crystals. Each stone has an electromagnetic field that boosts the power of your energy field. Stones can block unwanted energy, unclog stuck energy, and bring emotional imbalances to the surface so you can let them go.
If you need help picking out the right stone, please message me. I will be a pleasure to assist you.

Have you had an experience that drains your power? Please share 🙂
❤ ❤ ❤ You N. Love

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The Power of You and Action

The Power of You and Action

“When you take action, you replace doubt with experience, and experience is a cornerstone of wisdom.” ~N. Love

Within you is the power to do ALL things.  You are not limited in any way.  There is a false belief that life has to be hard or difficult.…  But that is simply not true.  All it takes is acknowledgement and action.  Yup, that’s right acknowledge and then act.  When you are honest with how you feel, you can take the action necessary to change EVERYthing.

Acknowledge the little voice in your head and then take action.  This means you are consciously changing the things that you want to change, you ARE the master of YOUR destiny.  It is not enough to know or want to change, YOU MUST take action.  Action means that you trust your heart.  Action means that you BELIEVE in the guidance you are receiving.

When you start anything new, you are unaware of what you need.  And the TRUTH, is that you will never know and no one can ever tell you what you need until you take the first step.  Remember that things are not set in stone.  Everything is movement, and at any moment you can decide to change everything 🙂

The Test

You will never know if you are taking the right steps until you take action and see the results.  Once you take action, the Universe moves to bring you your desires.  The thing is, when you start, the Universe is simply watching.  It wants to make sure you are going to stick to the plan.  It’s like a test of faith.  If you continue, you will begin to see change.  BUT in order to change, you must learn.    Everything you change in your life, you will have to learn a lesson (Yes, just like being in school all over again lol).  So the Universe gives you lessons and then tests you.  These tests we often see as a struggle…  BUT they don’t have to be.  IF you can see the struggles as an opportunity to grow.  Can you push yourself farther than you did yesterday?  And if you can, the rewards are unlimited!!!


The Little  Cart That Could

Imagine for a moment that change as a cart and you are the force of action.  Can you picture yourself sitting there trying to move the cart by staring at it?  If no force is applied to the cart, the cart just will sit there.  When you start, you’re pushing the cart against gravity, and against the resistance of the ground.  Depending on the resistance, you will have to change how hard you push the cart.  And it’s a lot to push the cart uphill…  Especially if it is filled to the top with “stuff”.  The easiest way to make it to the top is to first empty your cart and then start to push.  And a key to decreasing resistance is to keep your cart empty the whole way up the hill.  Once you reach the top, you have choices.  You can stay where you are, fall backwards extremely quickly, or keeping going… And if you decide to keep going, NOW it’s different now you have the force of gravity in your favor, and there is no more resistance. Just flow.

The “stuff” inside the cart are thoughts that are out of alignment with your goals.  They are all the things you THINK you need to get started as well as all the reasons WHY you can’t get started.  If you empty your mind, your load will be easier and you can move up the hill faster and with less resistance.  Each step you takes brings you closer to your goal.  But if you stop, nothing happens.  Eventually the weight of holding the cart will overcome you and pushing the cart uphill will seem like such a difficult task.  If you simply keep taking action before you know it, gravity will take over and you have now achieved flow.

Nature’s Laws

Nature has laws.  When you are honest with yourself, chaos changes, you see the things that need to be changed in your life and you change them.  There is no more resistance, no more fear, only trust.  And when you trust in your Divine guidance, and take action, you are no longer controlled by outside influences.  You are now the Master of your Destiny.  You make the choices and you consciously change them.