Healing Crystals Love

The Love, Inspiration, & Motivation to Heal Yourself


What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Today, I was helping a very frustrated Client.  And I know it’s easy to feel frustrated when you do not see your blessings at first.  We all go through trying times in life.  But faith is the key that will open the door to peace, happiness and prosperity in your life.  This was our conversation…

The Question:

I don’t mean to speak lack, I just can’t see over the other side…  I’m doing the work, but I can’t move forward in my work if I don’t have the tools that will help me complete it.  The Angels keep telling me the same things though, what we went over:

1. Keep Faith

2. Trust

3. Be patient, ( mine is so thin )

4. MAINTAIN positive

5. Be happy and feel this unconditional love.

I feel some, but the money is symbolic to something emotional…I don’t feel abundant without it, ok thats identified.

How do I feel abundant without it??? I can only distract myself so long before I notice. Oh that’s identified again…I’m”looking” too early, Abraham just popped in my head about keeping track. I’m not suppose to keep track because then I will notice what hasn’t shown up.

Ok then my question is how do I feel abundant without feeling I need money to make me feel complete? I wanna know what the money symbolizes!


The Answer:

Lets say you are driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles.  You have a car and just enough gas and food for a 5 hour drive.  The trip will only take you 3.5 hours if you drive there without stopping.  You are completely provided for during those 5 hours, after which all those blessings will disappear.  You hop on the road and drive for 10 minutes.

Then your mind starts saying… “I don’t see  Los Angeles from here…  Im driving but how can I keep driving if I can’t see Los Angeles”?

So you pull over for 20 minutes, and begin to question if you will ever make it to Los Angeles.  After the 20 minutes you say “Ok, maybe I’ll try and keep going for an hour and I see Los Angeles”.  You get back on the road and begin to drive.  You feel good, the Angels are giving you all the signs that you are on the right path.  You’re happy, singing to the music….

Then about 45 minutes later, the mind chatter starts again  “I should see Los Angeles by now, I saw some signs 15 minutes ago but why can’t I SEE Los Angeles….  Something isn’t right!”.

So you pull over.  You begin to demand that you see Los Angeles RIGHT NOW!!!  When it doesn’t appear, you begin to question if you will EVER see Los Angeles.  After another 20 minute temper tantrum, you decide that maybe you will drive a little farther, and see if you can see Los Angeles.   You get back on the road.  You see the signs, the Angels are talking to you again, urging you to just keep going.  Don’t give up.  You are pumped and ready to make it.

This time you drive for 1.5 hours and the mind chatter starts again. “You will never make it to Los Angeles.  You should have seen Los Angeles a long time ago.  You’re never going to make it”.

You see signs from the Angels urging you to keep going…

Then the mind takes over “I know I see signs to keep going, but I can NOT SEE Los Angeles, and if I can’t see Los Angeles, I will never make it”.

So you pull over.  This time you are frustrated, you begin to curse the Angels and say they are lying.  If YOU can NOT SEE Los Angeles, how will you ever make it to Los Angeles.

You ask the Angels “Why don’t you let me SEE Los Angeles right now!  I want to see Los Angeles!  If you don’t let me see Los Angeles RIGHT NOW, I refuse to drive any longer”….

So you sit and wait and wait and Curse and Yell and Scream…  Then wait some more….  All of a sudden you hit the 5 hour mark and “POOF”, the food is gone, your gas is gone, and now you have no more car!  It is then you realize the blessings you HAD.  You had all the tools to get you where you needed to be.  But there was one thing MISSING, and that’s FAITH.  To believe in the things that you can not physically see.  Even though you could not SEE Los Angeles, had you only kept driving, you would have made it there.  The Divine can SEE what you can not.  It takes FAITH to keep going.


~N. Love